Landscape hydrological reserve "Pripyatsky"

The national park "Pripyatsky" settled down in the river Pripyat valley, its area exceeds 188 thousand hectares. From them 85 thousand hectares are occupied by especially protected natural territory. The park is in the Gomel region, near Pinsk, occupying part of Zhitkovichsky, Petrikovsky and Lelchitsky areas. Administrative center of park – the ancient city of Rounds long since attracting tourists with the sights. Some of them are dated the 12th eyelid.

The history of Pripyat park originates in 1969 when this picturesque area of the Belarusian Polesye was declared by the reserve. In 1996 the reserve got the status of national park. The Pripyat park wasn't for nothing taken under state protection. The unique landscape of the Belarusian Polesye has to be certainly kept in natural state for future generations. For this reason in the territory of park numerous scientific researches and actions for preservation of unique natural ecosystems are constantly conducted.