The Brest fortress – the memorial complex constructed within the city of Brest, on a place of the old city of Brest-Litovsk (only a few cult constructions adapted under needs of fortress remained). Construction of defensive works began in 1833, and in April, 1842 fortress entered number of operating fortresses of the I class of the Russian Empire.
In 1913 construction of the second ring of strengthenings which had to have 45 km in a circle was begun, but prior to war it wasn't finished. As World War I began fortress strenuously prepared for defense, but on the night of August 23, 1915 during the general retreat was left and blown partially up by the Russian armies. On March 3, 1918 in the Citadel, in the so-called White palace the Brest peace treaty was signed. Fortress was captured by Germans until the end of 1918, and then it was under control of Poles. In 1920 it was taken by Red army, but it was lost again soon, and in 1921 on the Riga peace treaty departed to the II Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the interwar period fortress was used as barracks, a military warehouse and political prison (in the 1930th years oppositional politicians here were concluded).
"The Brest fortress hero" as the memorial complex, is created in 1969-71 in the territory of the Brest fortress for perpetuating of a feat of participants of defense of the Brest fortress during the Great Patriotic War. The memorial is solemnly open 25.09.1971. The sculptural-architectural complex includes the escaped buildings, the preserved ruins, ramparts and works of modern monumental art.